
The 0 km car chase! Shot with in-camera VFX



TREE was responsible for the CG production and design as well as DIT duties for the joint TYO and Sony PCL car chase project, “drive”.


This virtual production movie was shot using LED walls and in-camera VFX, showcasing VP’s strengths when it comes to effective ambient lighting and reflections in the cars’ surfaces. It was fully shot at the Kiyosumi Shirakawa BASE Virtual Production Studio, allowing for a 0 km car chase to take place here in Japan, where the technological and location hurdles are high for a real chase. 

Full length movie - ”drive”

Making of - “drive behind the scenes”

<TREE Digital Studio staff >
CG producer: Yuki Yamada
CG designer: Luomeng Yuan
DIT: Tatsuo Sasaki
asst.: Seiji Tananoue
asst.: Kazuki Omata
asst.: Atsushi Fukui

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